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Learn Wix Fast with Wix Fix

Dropdown Filters in Wix

Learn to filter your repeaters with dropdown inputs in Wix. This will allow your users to find what they are looking for a lot quicker.

Filter Repeaters with Dropdown Inputs in Wix

Before you insert the code, watch this video to learn how to properly set up your database and content:

Now that you have your site set up correctly, here is the code that you will need:


import wixData from 'wix-data'; export function searchButton_click(event) { search(); } function search() { wixData.query("Properties") .contains("propertieType", String($w("#dropdown1").value)) .and(wixData.query("Properties").contains("listingType", String($w("#dropdown2").value))) .find() .then(results => { $w("#propertiesRepeater").data = results.items; $w('#searchButton').hide(); $w('#resetButton').show(); $w('#resetButton').enable(); }); } export function resetButton_click(event) { $w('#propertiesDataset').setFilter(wixData.filter()); $w('#dropdown1').value = undefined; $w('#dropdown2').value = undefined; $w('#resetButton').hide(); $w('#searchButton').show(); }


Make sure you name your elements properly to ensure that the code works correctly. Or at least change the code to the names you used on your site.

Have Fun!

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